Cloth Pad Sewing Checklist
• Pre-wash all fabrics
- Regular fabrics: Hot wash & dry
- Bamboo fleece: 4 hot wash/dry cycles to fully shrink
• Iron fabrics if wrinkled
• Tools:
- Scissors/rotary cutter
- Pins or clips
- Washable marker
- Iron
- Snap pliers & snaps
- Scissors/pinking shears
Cut & Mark
• Draw sewing line onto wrong side of topper
• Cut all pieces:
- Top layer (next to skin)
- Core layer(s) (absorbent)
- Backing layer (moisture barrier)
Sewing Steps
1. Pin core to wrong side of topper
- Center carefully
- Sew around edges of core, attaching it to topper
2. Stack topper and backer
- Right sides together
- Pin or clip edges
- Leave a 2-3" opening for turning hole
3. Sew around edges
    - position sewing line directly under the needle
- Start and stop at turning hole, leaving it open
- Remove pins as you sew
4. Reduce bulk in seam allowance
- Cut off corners at 45° angle
- Clip into inner curves to release tension when turned out
- Optional: trim straight edges with pinking shears
5. Turn & press
- Pull right side out through the turning hole
- Push out corners with finger or pokey tool
- Optional: press all edges flat with iron
6. Finish edges
- Fold turning hole edges inside
- Press again
- Sew around entire pad edge
- Use longer stitch for top stitching
7. Add snaps
- Fold wings around pad
- Mark where snaps should meet
    - Poke holes with awl
- Install snaps with pliers
• Low heat for synthetic fabrics
• Grade thick core layers to reduce bulk
• Sewing cloth pads gets better with practice!
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